Read Time: 1:36 |
In Chapter 2 we talked about the different things to consider when devising the structure of your EBC.
We considered the role of "structural supports" as a function of course length. We took a deep dive into various email archetypes and their roles. And last, how visual components of your brand can be used to guide the readers' experience.
That's a lot of stuff when you write it all out... let's think about it in simpler terms. Your job now is to design a curriculum flow that feels logical, is a standalone educational experience, and gets your students excited about the next step in the journey.
I try to include recaps at the end of each chapter — it's a great way to tie it all together and make sure your main point shines through.
Get your outline to a good place
If you already have a first draft in there, use what you learned between now and then to refine it. If this is your first go, then I'm very excited for you.
It's very likely that your outline will change
As you write your course, stuff will come up, edits will be made, ideas and concepts will shift around in your dreams... it's inevitable (he said, speaking from experience). So long as you're thinking about the outline from the perspective of a prospective student, you'll be just fine.
What's coming next?
We're going deep on content creation. It'll be a study on the tools and techniques I've incorporated into my email courses — which boast a 70%+ open rate (did you hear that "toot"? It was my own horn, I think). Readability is surprisingly tactical, and your content is the heart and soul of your EBC.
As for our next action item
The goal in Chapter 3 is to write an email. One email. But here's the thing... you're gonna do it three times. I don't want to hear any pushback on this — the learning process requires action and it requires us to perceive our own growth as it is happening. So get that outline drafted, get excited about which email you want to focus on, and get ready for your copywriting to undergo its email-oriented evolution.
Oh yeah, last thing: tell a friend that you're working on this email-based course.
Then go one step further and ask them to look at your outline and pick out the email they'd be most excited to read.